2023 Year End Letter

Business Tax Planning

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

If your business becomes busier than usual during the holiday season, it may add to the existing staff. Consider all the relevant factors, including tax incentives, in your hiring decisions. YEAR-END MOVE: When you have good candidates, you may hire workers eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). The credit is available if a worker falls into a designated “target” group. Generally, the WOTC equals 40% of the first-year wages of up to $6,000 per employee, for a maximum of $2,400. For certain qualified veterans, the credit may be claimed for up to $24,000 of wages, for a $9,600 maximum. There is no limit on the number of credits per business.

RUSHTON TIP: The WOTC has expired—and then been reinstated—multiple times in the past, but it currently is available through 2025.

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