2023 Year End Letter

Individual Tax Planning

Charitable Donations The tax law allows you to deduct charitable donations within generous limits if you meet certain record keeping requirements.

YEAR-END MOVE: Step up charitable gift-giving before January 1. As long as you make a donation in 2023, it is deductible in 2023, even if you charge it in 2023 and pay it in 2024. • If you make monetary contributions, your deduction is limited to 60% of your AGI. Any excess above the 60%-of-AGI limit may be carried over for up to five years. • If you donate appreciated property held longer than one year (i.e., it would qualify for long-term capital gain treatment if sold), you can generally deduct an amount equal to the property’s fair market value (FMV) on the donation date, up to 30% of your AGI. But the deduction for short-term capital gain property is limited to your initial cost.

RUSHTON TIP: Any excess above the 30%-of-AGI limit may be carried over for up to five years.

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